Jesus' Coming Back

12 Best Things About Being A Man

Brought to you by: Cigar Place

Let’s face it, being a man is pretty great. It’s way better than the alternative. In fact, being a man is so great that a lot of women have started deciding they want to pretend to be men just to try to reap the benefits, but their womanness still puts them at a disadvantage.

To clearly demonstrate why being a man is so great, The Babylon Bee presents the following list:

  1. The world is your urinal: Peeing while standing up comes in handy when you’re in a hurry or going to the bathroom somewhere you shouldn’t be.
  2. You have a brain that is three times the size of a woman’s: It’s science.
  3. It’s culturally acceptable for you to roll up tobacco leaves into a big cylinder, light it on fire, and stick it in your mouth: Mmmmmm cigars.
  4. You can have an entire conversation with your best friend just by saying “Sup bro?”: Who needs unnecessary conversation?
  5. Your facial hair is considered attractive: Forget to shave for a couple of days, and suddenly you go from a 6 to a solid 8!
  6. Your extensive knowledge of all subjects allows you to graciously explain things to women: They need help. Good thing we’re here!
  7. You can wear the same shirt for 38 years: You don’t have to be a slave to fashion when you have the perfect t-shirt for every occasion.
  8. You make more money than a woman for doing the same job: Being a man comes with an automatic pay raise.
  9. You’re biblically allowed to speak in church: Plus, your wives have to do everything you say all the time. We’re pretty sure it’s in the Bible somewhere.
  10. You have a reduced chance of Joe Biden sniffing you: Not a zero chance, unfortunately, so be careful.
  11. If you run for president, people will actually vote for you: No glass ceiling here!
  12. If you want, you can be the world’s strongest woman: Re-write the record books, big guy!

NOT SATIRE: If you’re new to cigars and just a wee bit intimated on where to start, Cigar Place has you covered. We’ve put together a sampler that includes ten top-tier brands for only pennies on the dollar.

Click Here to grab this Exclusive Cigar Place Top-Shelf Stogies Sampler, loaded with the Top Cigar Brands in the industry, and get ten highly-rated premium cigars for only $19.99; that’s a savings of over 81%. As a bonus, we will throw in free shipping. So go ahead, have yourself an extraordinary smoking experience with us!

USA orders only. Expires 3/31/2023. Cigar Place reserves the right to substitute cigars of comparable or greater value in the event that a cigar within the sampler becomes unavailable.

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Babylon Bee

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