Dog Annoyed Vet Weighing Her With Jacket And Boots Still On

PASADENA, CA—Indicating concern that an inaccuracy might be recorded in her medical chart, local dog Potato Morrison expressed annoyance toward her veterinarian Thursday after she was weighed her with both her jacket and boots still on. “Eight pounds? You’ve gotta be kidding me—there’s no way that’s right,” said the 3-year-old Pomeranian, complaining that the number on the scale, which she had hoped to get down to 7.5 pounds before her visit to the animal clinic, did not take into account the weight of her rain parka and four rubber boats. “Come on, that’s a quarter pound right there, plus my harness… Okay, she just announced my weight to everyone within earshot. Great, thanks lady. This whole thing is so demeaning. I don’t get why they never let me set my stuff down in the exam room first. It would only take a second.” Morrison went on to express regret for having eaten a huge pile of shit right before stepping on the scale.
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