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Invisalign Begins Offering Clear Body Shell System To Gradually Straighten Posture

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TEMPE, AZ—Touting the exciting new expansion of their product line beyond orthodontics, the Invisalign company announced Thursday the rollout of a clear body shell system designed to gradually straighten posture. “Our clear plastic shell easily snaps around the body to correct any misalignment in the wearer’s posture within six to 12 months,” said Invisalign spokesperson Stacy Wheeler, noting how users would receive a new full body shell every few weeks to continue gradually aligning their spine and shoulders. “It may feel a little stiff to some, but if you want to move around to do things like sleep, eat, or breathe, you can simply pop off the shell. Luckily, the shell is completely transparent, so when you’re wearing it, nobody will be able to tell. Remember not to wear it for too long, or you may destroy your spine.” At press time, Wheeler added that people who stop wearing the Invisalign shell too early often shrivel up with severe scoliosis.

The Onion

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