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Republican Voters Explain Their Top Issues For 2024

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With the 2024 election quickly approaching, The Onion asked Republican voters what issues were most important to them, and this is what they said.


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Della Mullen, Farmer

Della Mullen, Farmer

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“I’m on the verge of being bankrupted by medical bills, so I’m gonna say drag queens.”


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Holden Durnt, Gas Station Owner

Holden Durnt, Gas Station Owner

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“Bigger flags.”


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Jack Kerrigan, Carpenter

Jack Kerrigan, Carpenter

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“Legislating women’s bodies and reducing government overreach.”


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Martin Love, Attorney

Martin Love, Attorney

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“Hard to decide with all the things that urgently need to get worse.”


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Isabel Rojas, Financial Advisor

Isabel Rojas, Financial Advisor

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“I don’t know where, who, or what China is, but I know we should kill it.”


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Jeff Mears, Lawyer

Jeff Mears, Lawyer

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“Balancing the budget, and I really 100% promise I actually care about it this time and always will.”


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Steven Spencer, Construction Worker

Steven Spencer, Construction Worker

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“Hard for me to say, because I don’t know what Fox News will decide is a threat to Western civilization a year and a half from now.”


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Eleanor Grossman, Pet Groomer

Eleanor Grossman, Pet Groomer

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Issues are beside the point when you’re in the grip of Ron DeSantis’ charisma.”


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Tom Morehouse, Hedge Fund Manager

Tom Morehouse, Hedge Fund Manager

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“I’ve pretty much gotten everything I ever wanted over the last 20 years, so I’m good.”


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Ethan White, Oil Lobbyist

Ethan White, Oil Lobbyist

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“Don’t worry, my concerns are top priority to everyone who matters.”


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Helen Welch, Teacher

Helen Welch, Teacher

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“Protecting our nation’s children while creating an environment that is the least conducive to their safety.”


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Lisa O’Connell, Chief Financial Officer

Lisa O’Connell, Chief Financial Officer

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“Honestly, I’m just going to vote for the guy with the fattest ass.”


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Sam Fitzsimmons, Waiter

Sam Fitzsimmons, Waiter

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“Roger Daltrey’s hairstyle was way too feminine in the 1970s, and I’m still waiting for someone to do something about that.”


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Travis Harriman, Cabinetmaker

Travis Harriman, Cabinetmaker

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“Roving gangs of antifa fetuses crossing the border to educate Jewish kids on women’s bathrooms. Or the economy.”


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Donna Colombo, Nursing Assistant

Donna Colombo, Nursing Assistant

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“Vague crime that’s happening somewhere else.”


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Luke Radomski, Unemployed

Luke Radomski, Unemployed

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“Whatever alarmist disinformation my algorithm decides to show me.”


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