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Gun Owners Defend ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws

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With an uptick in Americans getting shot simply for going to the wrong driveway, house, or car, The Onion asked gun owners to comment on “stand your ground” laws, and this is what they said.


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Lottie Douglas, Personal Trainer

Lottie Douglas, Personal Trainer

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“I can’t just stand there while some maniac asks me for directions.”


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Claire Landy, Bartender

Claire Landy, Bartender

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“What’s the point of having all these cool weapons if there’s no shaky pretense for us to use them?”


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Mike Miyazaki, Waiter

Mike Miyazaki, Waiter

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“If I can’t discharge my weapon, what else can I do if I encounter another human being?”


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Gloria Webster, Painter

Gloria Webster, Painter

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“Is there a more convenient way to claim self-defense after the fact?”


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Randy Hummel, Electrician

Randy Hummel, Electrician

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“The reality is you just never know whether that Girl Scout is coming to your house to sell cookies or to rape and kill your entire family.”


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Brad Wutkowski, Camp Ground Manager

Brad Wutkowski, Camp Ground Manager

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“Stand your ground is in the Second Amendment, right there in the AR-15 clause after the provision on night vision googles.”


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Jessica Alder, Cellist

Jessica Alder, Cellist

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“I have the right to defend myself if I’ve been threatened or menaced, or if I’ve been complimented or given money that I didn’t ask for. So don’t mess with me.”


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Spencer Finney, Welder

Spencer Finney, Welder

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“It’s the only thing stopping teens from accidentally ringing my doorbell with impunity.”


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Ethan Guilford, Mechanic

Ethan Guilford, Mechanic

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“A man has a right to defend himself against his own paranoid delusions.”


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Blake Westhill, Bricklayer

Blake Westhill, Bricklayer

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“How will I know whether my guns work on humans if I never get to try?”


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Andrew Jacobson, Blogger

Andrew Jacobson, Blogger

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“If feeling threatened isn’t an excuse for killing someone, why bother making people feel threatened all the time?”


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Michael Doyle, Lawyer

Michael Doyle, Lawyer

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“I live in a dangerous neighborhood with a lot of white-collar crime.”


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Lorraine McGinty, Gas Station Attendant

Lorraine McGinty, Gas Station Attendant

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“Gotta protect yourself. You never know who’s a trigger-happy psycho.”


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Dan Fichter, Proctologist

Dan Fichter, Proctologist

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“As long as you eat what you shoot I don’t see a problem.”


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Kristen McClain, Systems Analyst

Kristen McClain, Systems Analyst

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“What did you think we wanted the guns for? I’m not out here hunting bucks in the middle of St. Louis, come on.”


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Rob Hanley, Doctor

Rob Hanley, Doctor

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“This country was built on shooting strangers from overseas or who were already here.”


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George Zimmerman, Neighborhood Watch

George Zimmerman, Neighborhood Watch

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“They can get you out of some tough jams.”


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Karina Hadley, First-Grade Teacher

Karina Hadley, First-Grade Teacher

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“Ask me again, I dare you.”


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