Man Going Through Phase Where Life Implodes And Everything That Follows Is On The Decline

SEATTLE—Feeling depressed in the midst of several recent personal and professional setbacks, local man Adam Jackson reportedly reminded himself Monday that he was merely going through a phase in which his life was imploding and it was all downhill from here. “I need to remember that everything happens for a reason, and even though times are rough right now, they will soon get a lot worse,” said the newly unemployed, divorced, and evicted 38-year-old, assuring himself that this series of grave misfortunes was most likely only a brief chapter in a long saga of misery and despair that would continue until the day of his death. “Everything is temporary. Someday I will look back at this difficult period in my life and wonder how I ever had it so good. It might not happen right away, but eventually, my life will crumble into so many pieces I will realize it can never, ever be put back together. I simply need to learn how to accept the things I cannot change, because there is nothing I can do to escape the spiraling, bottomless void that awaits.” Recognizing that before long everything he cared about and had worked so hard to achieve would slip completely and permanently from his grasp, Jackson told himself that “Sometimes you just have to laugh.”
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