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How To Kiss

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Many Americans do not know how to kiss. Here is how to kiss.


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First Get Your Tongue As Dry As Possible

First Get Your Tongue As Dry As Possible

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Nobody likes the feeling of a sloppy wet tongue near their mouth. Before you kiss, make sure to stick your tongue out to get it as dehydrated and sandpapery as you can.


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Apply For A Kissing License

Apply For A Kissing License

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Depending on where you live, you’ll need to apply at your local county commissioner’s office or town hall for a kissing license valid in your area. You’ll need to pass your kissing test and renew the license every 5 years.


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Be Married To The Person You’re Kissing

Be Married To The Person You’re Kissing

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Otherwise you’re a whore.


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Practice With A Family Member Beforehand

Practice With A Family Member Beforehand

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If you want to make sure you’re satisfying your partner, it’s never a bad idea to ask a brother, sister, cousin, or even parent to help you hone your kissing technique before you go for the real thing.


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Remember: Kiss, Meow, Kiss, Meow

Remember: Kiss, Meow, Kiss, Meow

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To keep your kisses spicy, it’s important to alternate between passionate locked lips and breaking away to give a small “meow” in your partner’s ear.


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Moisten Lips With Hose

Moisten Lips With Hose

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Dry lips are a big kissing no-no. To prevent them, make sure to wet them up before going in by blasting them with a fire hose.


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Evacuate Bladder

Evacuate Bladder

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This is how you know the kiss is working.


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Get Treated For Lockjaw

Get Treated For Lockjaw

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With a little help from medication and a warm compress, you should be kissing in two weeks, no problem.


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Remove Corn Dog From Mouth

Remove Corn Dog From Mouth

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Don’t worry, it’ll still be there waiting for you after the kiss.


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Rise For National Anthem

Rise For National Anthem

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As a sign of respect for all those who have laid down their lives for the nation, stand and sing before kissing.


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If you’re having trouble producing saliva, you can try visualizing a towering plate of spaghetti Bolognese.


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Apply ChapStick To Tonsils

Apply ChapStick To Tonsils

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You don’t want to turn them off with your dry, flaky tonsils.


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Pop A Vicodi

Pop A Vicodi

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For nerves.


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Murder Sexual Competitors

Murder Sexual Competitors

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Experts generally recommend stabbing every same-sexed peer within a three-mile radius.


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Insert Nasal Tube

Insert Nasal Tube

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Stopping to breathe will only ruin the moment.


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Run Credit Check

Run Credit Check

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The minimum requirement is 650.


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Sign Nondisclosure Agreement

Sign Nondisclosure Agreement

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Make sure terms drawn up by your lawyer are airtight to prevent your partner from disclosing any details that could hinder business dealings or political campaigns.


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Unroll Tongue

Unroll Tongue

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Signals to your partner that you are ready to start kissing.


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Warm Up With 50 Tongue Squats

Warm Up With 50 Tongue Squats

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Helps to prevent any injuries sustained during make-out session.


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Google What Mouth Looks Like

Google What Mouth Looks Like

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Familiarize yourself with human orifices to avoid any embarrassing miscommunication.


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Ask For Pillow’s Consent (If Using Pillow)

Ask For Pillow’s Consent (If Using Pillow)

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Always make sure you have permission before becoming intimate with your pillow, your hand, or a photo of a person on a magazine cover.


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Bleach Mouth

Bleach Mouth

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Practice proper hygiene before and after kiss.


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Get Circumcised

Get Circumcised

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No getting around it. If you’re not circumcised, you have no business kissing.


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Plump Your Jetson

Plump Your Jetson

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Give the old b-jet a quick one, two, three!


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Downplay Your Role In The 2011 U.S. Military Intervention In Libya

Downplay Your Role In The 2011 U.S. Military Intervention In Libya

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Participation in a government overthrow that led to widespread violence and open-air slave markets is a big turnoff for most kissers.


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Two or three mellifluous chirps should suffice. 


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Picture A Boob Or A Testicle

Picture A Boob Or A Testicle

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Envision a single boob or testicle in your mind’s eye, and you’ll be feeling all electric inside when those lips lock.


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Place Bait On Tongue

Place Bait On Tongue

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In order to attract a hungry kissing partner, remember to place a small worm or grub on top of your tongue.


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Hold Mouth Open With Tire Jack

Hold Mouth Open With Tire Jack

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To make kissing easier and prevent you from biting, it may be helpful to hold your mouth open with a tire jack.


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Spit Out Nuts Stored In Cheeks

Spit Out Nuts Stored In Cheeks

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Although it’s helpful to store nuts in your cheeks for winter, your partner could potentially steal them with their tongue while kissing.


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Say Grace

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Before you start kissing, it’s important to thank God for the bountiful kisses that He, the Almighty Creator, has provided you.


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Issue Formal Apology To Incel Community

Issue Formal Apology To Incel Community

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Although you have betrayed them and everything they stand for, it’s important to come clean and say that you’ve finally given in to temptation.


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Freshen Your Breath With Pine Needles

Freshen Your Breath With Pine Needles

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While not necessary, it is considered a common courtesy to thoroughly scrub your gums, lips, and tongue with fresh-foraged evergreen branches.


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Put Blanket Over Child’s Head

Put Blanket Over Child’s Head

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If there is anyone under the age of 12 nearby, you will have to cover each one with a specially sewn modesty blanket.


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Inform The Proper Authorities

Inform The Proper Authorities

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At the end of each quarter, you will be expected to register any kisses from the previous period with both local and federal governments. Failure to do so will result in fines or, in cases of sex, jail time.


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Pull Out

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Be sure to pull your tongue out as soon as it starts to feel good or everyone involved will immediately become pregnant.


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Start The Countdown Clock

Start The Countdown Clock

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Once it is initiated, you will have 30 seconds to complete the smooch or find yourself permanently banned from any future kisses.


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Latch Kissing Partner To Lips

Latch Kissing Partner To Lips

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If you’re struggling to get your kissing partner to latch, don’t be ashamed to try using a saliva pump instead.


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Keep Your Eyes Open The Whole Time

Keep Your Eyes Open The Whole Time

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Eye contact is very important for communication, so make sure to stare wide-eyed directly into the face of your kissing partner and avoid blinking.


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Shove Your Entire Head In Their Mouth

Shove Your Entire Head In Their Mouth

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A more advanced technique sure to drive your date wild.


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Ask For Head Instead

Ask For Head Instead

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Why waste your mouth energy on the hard work of kissing when you could sit back and receive head instead?


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Print Certificate

Print Certificate

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And that’s it! Now print and prominently display this certificate of course completion in your home or business kissing office!


The Onion

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