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Things To Never Say To An Incel

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Yeah, sex is cool, but have you tried being an incel? If you happen to know an incel or are currently being harassed by one, here are things you should never say.


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Only a manipulative succubus would lead men on talking like that.


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“I’ve seen human boobs upwards of 11 times.”

“I’ve seen human boobs upwards of 11 times.”

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Don’t rub it in.


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“We have all been lied to about the achievability of the American Dream; raging against your fellow citizens will not help.”

“We have all been lied to about the achievability of the American Dream; raging against your fellow citizens will not help.”

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Most incels will fail to see how this line of thinking will land them a 10/10 dime babe.


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“Sorry, but I only date guys with a huge manifesto.”

“Sorry, but I only date guys with a huge manifesto.”

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Oh no, this somehow backfired!


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“Do you want to have sex?”

“Do you want to have sex?”

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And risk losing their completely fabricated oppression? No way.


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“I’ll have sex with you.”

“I’ll have sex with you.”

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You’re not attractive enough to meet their insane standards.


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“Do you know where the Klan rally is later?”

“Do you know where the Klan rally is later?”

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It’s rude to assume, but yes, they are actually headed there after this if you want to split a Lyft or something.


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“The erosion of societally enforced monogamy coupled with the fact that women are rapidly outpacing men in education, yet still seeking highly educated partners, has significantly impaired the dating lives of men.”

“The erosion of societally enforced monogamy coupled with the fact that women are rapidly outpacing men in education, yet still seeking highly educated partners, has significantly impaired the dating lives of men.”

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Right, so the sluts are making too much money?


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“Having sex with hot women all day actually gets pretty boring after a while.”

“Having sex with hot women all day actually gets pretty boring after a while.”

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This will not make you seem relatable.


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“You ever been dick-deep inside someone, seconds from busting, and remembered you got bills to pay?”

“You ever been dick-deep inside someone, seconds from busting, and remembered you got bills to pay?”

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While comical and fairly universal, no need to rub your sexual experience in their face.


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“Have you ever considered that your problems with women are actually the women’s fault and not yours?”

“Have you ever considered that your problems with women are actually the women’s fault and not yours?”

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Yes, they have.


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“Which of the many times when you had sex with a woman was your favorite?”

“Which of the many times when you had sex with a woman was your favorite?”

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Actually, incels have generally had a difficult time having sex with women.


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“We’re going to a WNBA game tonight if you want to come.”

“We’re going to a WNBA game tonight if you want to come.”

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Incels haven’t really been a fan of the WNBA since Lisa Leslie retired.


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“Hey, 2018 called, and they want their violent subculture back.”

“Hey, 2018 called, and they want their violent subculture back.”

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Calling someone’s Nazi-adjacent Reddit community outdated is not okay.


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“I also never have sex, but it’s only because of my vows as a Catholic priest.”

“I also never have sex, but it’s only because of my vows as a Catholic priest.”

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No need to big-time them, father.


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“Let’s do it.”

“Let’s do it.”

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Once an incel has sex, this dooms them to leave all incel communities and live a life with the rest of us.


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“Don’t worry. Even though you’re physically repulsive, at least you’re also intellectually repulsive.”

“Don’t worry. Even though you’re physically repulsive, at least you’re also intellectually repulsive.”

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This isn’t as comforting as it seems.


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You’ve Made It This Far…


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