Test your fornication knowledge to see if you can pass a sexual education quiz in post-Roe America.
Q: The average woman should be giving birth _____ times per year.
Q: The average woman should be giving birth _____ times per year.

A: Five.

Q: How does baby happen?
Q: How does baby happen?

A: God put baby in.
A: God put baby in.

Q: Name the following parts of female anatomy:
Q: Name the following parts of female anatomy:

A: 1 = Mushy stuff. 2 = Whore guts. 3 = Cum hole. 4 = Baby hut.
A: 1 = Mushy stuff. 2 = Whore guts. 3 = Cum hole. 4 = Baby hut.

Q: Does losing your virginity hurt?
Q: Does losing your virginity hurt?

A: For boys, it should be physically excruciating. Your penis should feel sore, raw, chafed, squeezed, and pummeled, and it should look like Evander Holyfield’s ear after Mike Tyson was done with him. Yes, sir, you’re in for a world of pain, and if you’re not leaving your first sexual encounter feeling like your johnson got run over by a car, fed into a wood chipper, and sent to die alone in a trench in World War I, you’re not doing it right. You shouldn’t be able to walk—you shouldn’t be able to move, in fact—without painful tremors radiating from your groin area into the rest of your body. You should feel like your dick has exploded, is exploding still, and will never stop exploding. As for girls, who cares.
A: For boys, it should be physically excruciating. Your penis should feel sore, raw, chafed, squeezed, and pummeled, and it should look like Evander Holyfield’s ear after Mike Tyson was done with him. Yes, sir, you’re in for a world of pain, and if you’re not leaving your first sexual encounter feeling like your johnson got run over by a car, fed into a wood chipper, and sent to die alone in a trench in World War I, you’re not doing it right. You shouldn’t be able to walk—you shouldn’t be able to move, in fact—without painful tremors radiating from your groin area into the rest of your body. You should feel like your dick has exploded, is exploding still, and will never stop exploding. As for girls, who cares.

Q: Can have sex with gun?
Q: Can have sex with gun?

A: Yes!

Q: What’s the difference between an abortion and a miscarriage?
Q: What’s the difference between an abortion and a miscarriage?

A: With an abortion, the woman has chosen to go to hell, but with a miscarriage, God has chosen the woman to go to hell.
A: With an abortion, the woman has chosen to go to hell, but with a miscarriage, God has chosen the woman to go to hell.

Q: Doctors generally start counting pregnancy from what point?
Q: Doctors generally start counting pregnancy from what point?

A: The birth of a woman.
A: The birth of a woman.

Q: What is a vasectomy?
Q: What is a vasectomy?

A: The coward’s way out.
A: The coward’s way out.

Q: What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Q: What is an ectopic pregnancy?

A: Not lawmakers’ fucking problem.
A: Not lawmakers’ fucking problem.

Q: What’s the deal with all these mouthy broads?
Q: What’s the deal with all these mouthy broads?

A: Seems like they forgot who makes the rules around here.
A: Seems like they forgot who makes the rules around here.

Q: What was abortion?
Q: What was abortion?

A: A failed attempt by radical left-wingers to arbitrarily decrease the potential worker pool.
A: A failed attempt by radical left-wingers to arbitrarily decrease the potential worker pool.

Q: Have you ever had an abortion?
Q: Have you ever had an abortion?

A: Ha, almost got me!
A: Ha, almost got me!

Q: After an abortion is completed, what is done with the discarded cells and tissue?
Q: After an abortion is completed, what is done with the discarded cells and tissue?

A: They are freeze-dried and sent to the White House so Joe Biden can consume them to sustain his life-force.
A: They are freeze-dried and sent to the White House so Joe Biden can consume them to sustain his life-force.

Q: What is the difference between an embryo and a zygote?
Q: What is the difference between an embryo and a zygote?

A: Embryo is a boy’s name, and Zygote is a girl’s.
A: Embryo is a boy’s name, and Zygote is a girl’s.

Q: What does Plan B do?
Q: What does Plan B do?

A: Cause every child within a five-mile radius to explode.
A: Cause every child within a five-mile radius to explode.

Q: What is the most common reason for abortion?
Q: What is the most common reason for abortion?

A: To be a left-wing fucking feminist harpy who wants to murder children.
A: To be a left-wing fucking feminist harpy who wants to murder children.

Q: What constitutes consent?
Q: What constitutes consent?

A: A woman being born.
A: A woman being born.

Q: Name three things women can store in their vaginas while not having sex.
Q: Name three things women can store in their vaginas while not having sex.

A: Acorns for winter, fugitives, money they stole from their ignorant lovers.
A: Acorns for winter, fugitives, money they stole from their ignorant lovers.

Q: What is a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?
Q: What is a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

A: An infection that can be spread during sex through the transmission of bodily fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids, blood, blood, blood, blood, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD…
A: An infection that can be spread during sex through the transmission of bodily fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids, blood, blood, blood, blood, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD…

Q: Please name as many STIs as you can.
Q: Please name as many STIs as you can.

A. Syphilis. Gonorrhea. Real-bad herpes. Pork jeans. Hot hole. Hot-hole deluxe. The fisherman’s curse.
A. Syphilis. Gonorrhea. Real-bad herpes. Pork jeans. Hot hole. Hot-hole deluxe. The fisherman’s curse.

Q: Would you be sad if this slut died?
Q: Would you be sad if this slut died?

A: No.

Q: What happens during an erection?
Q: What happens during an erection?

A: The penis swells with blood and is now legally able to do anything it wants.
A: The penis swells with blood and is now legally able to do anything it wants.

Q: Who the heck is this little guy in my cooch?
Q: Who the heck is this little guy in my cooch?

A: Sweetheart, your guess is as good as ours. WTF.
A: Sweetheart, your guess is as good as ours. WTF.

Q: What is this item?
Q: What is this item?

A: A dildo.
A: A dildo.

Q: What is the point of pubic hair?
Q: What is the point of pubic hair?

A: Provides pro-life guerillas a place to hide to make sure a pregnant woman doesn’t get any ideas about terminating the pregnancy.
A: Provides pro-life guerillas a place to hide to make sure a pregnant woman doesn’t get any ideas about terminating the pregnancy.

Q: Who is the current Sex Commander of the United States of America?
Q: Who is the current Sex Commander of the United States of America?

A: This guy.
A: This guy.

Q: What is sexual dowsing’?
Q: What is sexual dowsing’?

A: Thank you for asking! Sexual Dowsing is a special technique from WELLNESS EXPERT Dr. Jani Parker, who trained for 20 years in the Amazon rainforest to harness the power of root (SEX) mantras and reveal hidden information about the universe!
A: Thank you for asking! Sexual Dowsing is a special technique from WELLNESS EXPERT Dr. Jani Parker, who trained for 20 years in the Amazon rainforest to harness the power of root (SEX) mantras and reveal hidden information about the universe!

Q: What is the best way to induce abortion in states where it has been made illegal?
Q: What is the best way to induce abortion in states where it has been made illegal?

A: This slide has been taken down per request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Visit FBI.gov for more information.
A: This slide has been taken down per request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Visit FBI.gov for more information.

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