Jesus' Coming Back

Fucking Weirdo Really Good At Something That She Not Trying To Capitalize On

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RALEIGH, NC—Describing the woman as bafflingly at peace with the simple enjoyment of her hobby, confused sources confirmed Monday that a local fucking weirdo was really good at something that she wasn’t trying to capitalize on. “She’s so good at this it could be a secondary source of income, and yet she seems to have absolutely no interest in monetizing her skill, so what’s the point?” area man Brandon O’Brien said after watching his total oddball neighbor craft yet another dazzling wood sculpture that she would either display in her home or give away for free, even though it could fetch her $1,000, easy. “I don’t understand why someone would do something for the joy of cultivating a skill when it could obviously be exploited for financial gain. I mean, she just does it in the privacy of her own home and doesn’t even post Instagram videos or anything to at least get some social capital out of it. God, what a freak.” At press time, several reports indicated that the woman grew up absurdly rich.

The Onion

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