Real-Life Science Fiction Premise Plays Out As Man Employs So-Called Mechanical Pencil

DAYTON, OH—In a scenario that bystanders referred to as ripped directly from the pages of Isaac Asimov, a real-life science fiction premise reportedly played out Wednesday as local man Gregory Winters employed a so-called mechanical pencil. “Why, it’s as if the lead is spontaneously generating from that—what was it you called it? A cybernetic pencil?” said stunned onlooker Laura Bianchi, one of dozens who looked upon the futuristic writing contraption with a combination of awe and terror, questioning whether its user had not become more machine than man in the bargain of using this bleeding-edge pencil technology. “Look! The lead! It shoots onto the paper as clear and pure as if it’s been chiseled with a laser ray. And do my eyes deceive me, or is he simply reloading the gadget with nary a sharpener in sight? What’s next? Will he take flight with levitation boots and teleport to the cosmos, along with his mechanical pencil machine?” At press time, Winters had completed his astonishing transaction by handing the signed receipt to the cashier at Skyline Chili, stepping outside, and leaving on his two-wheeled bicycling device like a time traveler from a distant and unimaginable future.
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