Jesus' Coming Back

Banging Sound Experts Confirm Noise Detected Underwater Sounds Likes Banging Sound

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WASHINGTON—Shedding new light on the fate of the missing Titan submersible, noted banging sound expert Stephen Beaumont confirmed Thursday that the noise detected underwater near the site of the OceanGate crew sounded like a banging sound. “Yep, that’s a banging sound,” said Beaumont, PhD, the world’s foremost expert on banging sounds, who chairs the Department of Banging Sounds at Yale University and as serves as the chancellor of the Institute for Banging Sound Research. “It almost perfectly matches the banging sounds we hear in our banging sounds laboratory all the time. It has elements that point to a clamor of some sort, but I can confirm it is most certainly a banging sound. It’s a little bit easier for a layperson to understand if you play the recording in slow motion.” At press time, Beaumont had resigned in disgrace after the banging sound was revealed as a thudding.

The Onion

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