Jesus' Coming Back

Can You Spot All The Instances Of Far-Right Fascism In This Picture Of Two Guys Lifting Weights?

Gateways to the far-right are everywhere, constantly seducing young minds to become fascists! Reliable media sources have confirmed that Nazis are now using fitness to recruit foot soldiers for their white nationalist army. As a warrior of democracy, it is your job to be on the lookout for signs of fascism at the gym! Train your eyes, comrade!

Looking at the seemingly innocuous picture of two guys lifting weights, see if you can spot all the far-right dog whistles in this image:

First of all, this barbell has 45 lb plates on it. Clearly an ode to America’s fascist 45th president.

This man’s mouth is closed, symbolizing his desire to silence journalists.

Hmmm. Looks like he has a tattoo on his arm. What’s he hiding? We all know what this is.

These two men are not kissing each other. Lack of unapologetic queerness signals unwillingness to be an ally. Not good!


Earbuds. Probably playing to fascist influencer Joe Rogan. We can almost hear the hate and misinformation.

Manspreading? AW, COME ON!

You see anything missing in this picture? Hm?! That’s right. Not a single transgender woman of color. Disgusting.

Notice anything about the color of this gym floor? Walking all over blackness isn’t funny.

Wait… what is that?! Enhance!


Oh no!!!!

General Florg of the planet Graxon V has visited Earth – but he’s having trouble understanding humans as he’s never encountered a species with so many genders.

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