Jesus' Coming Back

Small, Intimate Wedding Kept To Just Uncles

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PHILADELPHIA—In an effort to make the ceremony feel as special and intimate as possible, local engaged couple Nate Brewer and Tara Simmons confirmed Friday they were keeping their wedding to just uncles. “We know we have a lot of friends and extended family members who will feel disappointed, but we’re keeping the ceremony and reception to just immediate uncles,” said Simmons, who explained that while she and her fiancé had initially envisioned a large event with hundreds of friends, family members, coworkers, and acquaintances, they quickly became overwhelmed with the planning and realized that limiting the event to a handful of their parents’ balding brothers was best. “My uncles Joe, Scott, and Steve will be there, as well as Nate’s uncles Jack, John, and Greg. It’s our dream wedding, really. The wedding party itself will be tiny too, with just the groom’s best uncle and the bride’s uncle of honor.” At press time, Simmons revealed her fiancé was also her uncle.

The Onion

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