Jesus' Coming Back

Depressed Woman’s Sole Source Of Pleasure Looking At Pictures Of Food On Restaurant Websites

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CHICAGO—Clicking on a photo of a bowl of noodles overlaid with the text “Dinner,” local depressed woman Alice Priestley confirmed Thursday that her sole source of pleasure was looking at pictures of food on restaurant websites. “That looks good,” said Priestley, who experienced the most interest she had felt in engaging with the world all day as she scrolled slowly through the gallery of images on the Indian fusion restaurant’s website, muttering to herself alone in the dark. “Mmm. Wow. Check out that pork belly vindaloo. If I went there, I’d order that. That or the shrimp. I probably won’t go there though, since I don’t have any friends.” At press time, Priestley had returned to bed for the next 18 hours.

The Onion

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