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Could You Pass A PragerU Class In A Florida School?

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PragerU, a far-right advocacy group, recently announced that its educational materials had been approved for use in the state of Florida. Test your knowledge to see if you can pass a PragerU class.


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Approximately when was our solar system formed?

Approximately when was our solar system formed?

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​The fourth day.

​The fourth day.

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The cruel network of transportation that ripped Black people from their homelands was called _______.

The cruel network of transportation that ripped Black people from their homelands was called _______.

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The Underground Railroad.

The Underground Railroad.

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What is the capital of California?

What is the capital of California?

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A urine-soaked sidewalk where a pregnant illegal immigrant is injecting heroin into the soles of her feet.

A urine-soaked sidewalk where a pregnant illegal immigrant is injecting heroin into the soles of her feet.

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If Johnny has four apples and he gives one to Jane, what does Johnny have left?

If Johnny has four apples and he gives one to Jane, what does Johnny have left?

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Legal repercussions for communist activity.

Legal repercussions for communist activity.

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What did the Civil Rights Act accomplish?

What did the Civil Rights Act accomplish?

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Nothing we can’t undo with a few wire transfers to Clarence Thomas.

Nothing we can’t undo with a few wire transfers to Clarence Thomas.

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What preacher is considered the greatest civil rights champion of the last hundred years?

What preacher is considered the greatest civil rights champion of the last hundred years?

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Adam Carolla.

Adam Carolla.

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How many people died in the Challenger explosion?

How many people died in the Challenger explosion?

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Five, plus two women.

Five, plus two women.

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What is a man?

What is a man?

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A man is someone who is assigned respect at birth.

A man is someone who is assigned respect at birth.

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According to U.S. constitutional law, what is the separation of church and state?

According to U.S. constitutional law, what is the separation of church and state?

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More of a suggestion than a hard-and-fast rule.

More of a suggestion than a hard-and-fast rule.

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What is one characteristic of healthy debate?

What is one characteristic of healthy debate?

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Feigning ignorance and indignation.

Feigning ignorance and indignation.

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Who shot Abraham Lincoln?

Who shot Abraham Lincoln?

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Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton.

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How has racism affected the United States?

How has racism affected the United States?

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Systemic discrimination has put serious roadblocks in place that protected the natural hierarchy of the races from being torn down by hateful progressives.

Systemic discrimination has put serious roadblocks in place that protected the natural hierarchy of the races from being torn down by hateful progressives.

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The Color Purple is an award-winning novel by whom?

The Color Purple is an award-winning novel by whom?

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No one. No such book has ever existed nor can ever exist in the future.

No one. No such book has ever existed nor can ever exist in the future.

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John plans to leave his house at 10:15 and travel at 50 mph. Jane plans to leave her house at 9:30 and travel 60 mph. Who travels farther in two hours?

John plans to leave his house at 10:15 and travel at 50 mph. Jane plans to leave her house at 9:30 and travel 60 mph. Who travels farther in two hours?

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John. Jane cannot leave her house without a chaperone.

John. Jane cannot leave her house without a chaperone.

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Who won the Civil War?

Who won the Civil War?

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The South beat the North 42-36.

The South beat the North 42-36.

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Why is socialism flawed?

Why is socialism flawed?

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It inevitably leads to left-wing authoritarianism instead of the more desired right-wing dictatorship.

It inevitably leads to left-wing authoritarianism instead of the more desired right-wing dictatorship.

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What is the correct response to “¿Cómo te llamas?

What is the correct response to “¿Cómo te llamas?

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Filing a report with ICE.

Filing a report with ICE.

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When did the first slaves arrive in America?

When did the first slaves arrive in America?

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In 1820, with the first influx of Irish.

In 1820, with the first influx of Irish.

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You’ve Made it This Far…

You’ve Made it This Far…


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