Fox Sports Begin Search For New Fresh Body To Host Skip Bayless

LOS ANGELES—Announcing that the network wanted to shake up their Undisputed coverage team, Fox Sports began a search this week for a new fresh body to host Skip Bayless. “We strive to offer our viewers the best coverage we can, and Skip is ready for a new host on which to feed,” said Fox Sports CEO Eric Shanks, adding that the network was interviewing a number of former NFL and NBA stars, as well as several other top commentators to find the right body for the 230-year-old Bayless to feed on and slowly replace their consciousness with his own. “We’re leaning toward getting a younger guy so Skip can inhabit for a few decades at least. He’s had a good few decades with his current body, an ex-MLB pitcher who was a right match for his brain and central nervous system, and ideally this one will last a few decades too. It’s the sixth body he’s inhabited over the last couple hundred years starting way back when he was covering boxing in the early 1800s. But the evil that holds him has begun to tear his body apart, so we hope to have a new host to serve as Skip’s diabolic carapace by next week.” At press time, Fox Sports had reportedly accelerated their search for a new host for Bayless’ cursed incarnate form after his current body began to shrivel when exposed to water.
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