Jesus' Coming Back

Woman Flattered Doctor Thinks She Has Eating Disorder

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BERWYN, IL—Beaming as she explained that she was just eating and exercising normally, local woman Jamie Fisher told reporters Monday she was flattered that her doctor thought she had an eating disorder. “Aw, that’s so sweet that he thought I was skinny enough to be starving myself in a dangerous, medically diagnosable way,” said Fisher, adding that she was frankly elated that a medical professional wrongly suspected she was routinely refusing to eat, obsessively exercising, or vomiting after every meal. “It was really nice of him to say I’m underweight, but for him to say he thinks I have a full-blown disorder that would warrant serious physical and mental intervention? That’s maybe the best compliment I’ve ever gotten. Plus, he looked genuinely concerned, and I could tell he didn’t believe me. I must be looking really good!” At press time, Fisher wondered if her doctor was hitting on her after he handed her several pamphlets on anorexia and bulimia and told her not to hesitate to call him anytime.

The Onion

Jesus Christ is King

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