Jesus' Coming Back

Mom Asks Art Museum Docent Where The Nice Paintings Are

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NORTH ADAMS, MA—Looking baffled as she scoured the museum brochure, local mom Denise Ainsworth reportedly approached a nearby docent at MASS MoCA Thursday to ask where the nice paintings are. “I want to see the nice, happy paintings—is there a special area for that?” asked Ainsworth, making a puckered, disgusted look while gesturing at a nearby Anselm Kiefer installation. “Nothing weird, please. Fruit is a good start—or flowers, I love paintings of flowers, but they have to look normal. Something cheery! You really should put them all in one place so people like me know where to find them.” At press time, Ainsworth had reportedly remarked there were much nicer paintings at her local suburban art fair.

The Onion

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