Jesus' Coming Back

World’s climate scientists recommend having only as many children as you plan to eat

GENEVA — The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change put out a statement today advising potential to only create and rear as many as they believe they’ll feasibly be able to consume.

“We need climate strategies that are practical and that anyone can do,” said IPCC chair Jim Skea at a press conference. “This one should be particularly welcomed, given how expensive groceries already are.”

“So please take an honest inventory of how many of their little bodies your appetite warrants,” Skea continued. “Even a partially grown human provides a fair amount of meat, especially if don’t mind eating the less delicious organs, like the brain. And if you calculate your rate of reproduction right, you won’t have to deal with the frustration of wasting your time and resources on a child who just gets gobbled up by a band of desperate, spindly marauders.”

“Also, have some consideration for people with no , either by choice or circumstance. They’ll be living on spiders and dandelions, while you barbecue your succulent progeny.”

Skea concluded his remarks by advising parents to also stock up on condiments. “Humans are pretty close on the evolutionary tree to pigs, so I’d buy cases of mustard, Tabasco, applesauce — anything you like on pork products. Otherwise the rump-steaks who used to be your kids will still nourish you, but the whole will be depressingly bland.”

In related , the UN recommended that people develop gills and the ability to digest plastic.


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