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Conservatives Explain Why Fulton County DA Fani Willis Should Be Impeached

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Georgia Republicans are furious after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted former President Donald Trump for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. The Onion asked conservatives why Willis deserves to be impeached, and this is what they said.


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Amber Fluehr, Customer Service Representative

Amber Fluehr, Customer Service Representative

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“Not me. My vote was for assassination.”


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Natalie DiMarco, Student

Natalie DiMarco, Student

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“If you give me, like, five minutes, I’m sure I can connect this to Hunter Biden.”


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Victoria Norgard, Cashier

Victoria Norgard, Cashier

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“Do you have any idea how many people we could have incarcerated for marijuana possession with all the taxpayer money Willis is wasting on this farce?”


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Karl Unger, Marketer

Karl Unger, Marketer

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“Let’s see how she likes being deliberated on by a committee with no meaningful outcome.”


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Trudy Margin, Retired

Trudy Margin, Retired

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“I’m mainly making a big deal out of this in the hopes that we can storm something again.”


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Victor Gannon, Web Developer

Victor Gannon, Web Developer

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“I am so far down the cognitive dissonance hole that I’m terrified of thinking about why I want things.”


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Marnie Peterson, Nurse

Marnie Peterson, Nurse

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“She won’t have any empathy for Trump until she gets impeached like he has.”


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Madsen Jeffries, Consultant

Madsen Jeffries, Consultant

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“I believe that everyone should be impeached at least once in their lives.”


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Cora Rosado, Homemaker

Cora Rosado, Homemaker

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“If you replace all the letters in her name, it spells Satan.”


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Emily Smith, Dog Groomer

Emily Smith, Dog Groomer

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“The Fulton County Jail has been the site of five deaths in just over a month, but other than that she’s done nothing good.”


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Colton Moore, Georgia State Senator

Colton Moore, Georgia State Senator

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“If America didn’t want white state officials to nullify the democratic will of Black voters, then they should have done a better job with Reconstruction.”


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Sherman Hillis, Banker

Sherman Hillis, Banker

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“RICO laws were only ever intended to be used on Italians.”


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Ron Madison, Accountant

Ron Madison, Accountant

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“The district attorney is only doing this because she’s angry that she had to win her own election fair and square.”


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Ross Vanguard, Events Planner

Ross Vanguard, Events Planner

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“I’d rather execute her, but since we’re still a democracy, I’ll work through my elected representatives first.”


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Robert Wilson, Lawyer

Robert Wilson, Lawyer

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“She didn’t do anything illegal, which is the perfect reason to impeach.”


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Craig Jones, Fire Inspector

Craig Jones, Fire Inspector

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“Donald Trump isn’t capable of doing wrong, which is why we have to do his dirty work for him.”


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Julien Garrett, Construction Foreman

Julien Garrett, Construction Foreman

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“If we are going to punish those who break the law, it’s only fair that we punish those who uphold it.”


The Onion

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