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Democrats Say Republicans Just Using Impeachment To Try To Get Around Rigged Election System

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democrats have expressed aghastment at the GOP’s new low of using impeachment to try to get around an election system that has been thoroughly and substantially rigged.

“Those conniving Republicans are at it again,” said Senator Chuck Schumer ever so nasally from the steps of the Capitol. “They’re always trying to undermine our Constitutional structures just to get around how we undermined our nation’s election process. The nerve!”

Democrats claim Republicans are wasting taxpayer dollars by using bank records, whistleblowers, credible allegations, and first-hand witnesses to scheme their way into removing from office a man who rightfully won the election by millions of rigged votes.

At publishing time, Democrats had expressed worries House Speaker McCarthy would finish the impeachment process sometime in the next 17 years.

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