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Edgelords Explain Why They Love Elon Musk

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Edgelords, known for their contrarian viewpoints, for some reason think it’s edgy to idolize a washed-up billionaire who spends his entire day shitposting. The Onion asked edgelords why they love Elon Musk, and this is what they said.


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Ross Derricotte, Rideshare Driver

Ross Derricotte, Rideshare Driver

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“It’s just so fucking epic, the way he knows internet words and can repeat them.”


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Foster Evans, Engineer

Foster Evans, Engineer

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“He inspires society’s neglected men that they might one day benefit from apartheid money.”


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Chad Mondell, Real Estate Agent

Chad Mondell, Real Estate Agent

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“He doesn’t give a shit about dumb things society says are important, like workers’ rights or your children.”


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Fletcher Urias, Musician

Fletcher Urias, Musician

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“He’s an inspiration to all of us who were born with an utter lack of charisma.”


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Todd Dennis, Chiropractor

Todd Dennis, Chiropractor

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“If he can make something of himself with just a massive emerald inheritance and a dream, then so can I.”


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Kent Richards, SpaceX Engineer

Kent Richards, SpaceX Engineer

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“It’s contractually required by my employment agreement.”


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Steven Knowles, Meme Stock Trader

Steven Knowles, Meme Stock Trader

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“Thanks to Elon, I became a millionaire with Dogecoin and achieved my dream of owning the largest collection of Hitler deepfake porn.”


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Tom Zandowsky, Lawyer

Tom Zandowsky, Lawyer

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“He’s not afraid to regurgitate the most boring takes imaginable without ever adding anything insightful.”


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Pete Bateman, Telemarketer

Pete Bateman, Telemarketer

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“I just have a gut feeling that we have similar dicks.”


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Davey Singh, Osteopath

Davey Singh, Osteopath

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“I’m not capable of love, but I respect the beast within him.”


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Frank Richards, Forklift Driver

Frank Richards, Forklift Driver

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“I love when a powerful guy gives me the green light on antisemitism.”


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Kyle Denver, Mechanic

Kyle Denver, Mechanic

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“He pisses off everyone annoying: my mom, my wife, my kids.”


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Toby Bryan, Software Developer

Toby Bryan, Software Developer

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“Mars, awesome cars, eliminating certain, shall we say, undesirables—what else does he need?”


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Greg Florence, Mechanic

Greg Florence, Mechanic

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“When he bought Twitter he gave me a platform for my opinions so I no longer need to deal with the burden of having friends or family.”


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Dan Lorenzen, Wedding Photographer

Dan Lorenzen, Wedding Photographer

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“He stands up for the right kind of free speech.”


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Dean Powers, Economics Professor

Dean Powers, Economics Professor

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“He totally owns the libs by devaluing his own assets.”


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420_69 Channing, Student

420_69 Channing, Student

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“Mom says he is my dad.”


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