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Fox News Viewers React To Rupert Murdoch Stepping Down

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Following the 92-year-old’s announcement that he was retiring from the Fox and News Corporation boards, The Onion asked Fox News viewers what they thought about Rupert Murdoch stepping down, and this is what they said.


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Florence Sanchez, Retired

Florence Sanchez, Retired

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“The woke lynch mob finally got to him, too.”


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Corbin Irving, Smelter

Corbin Irving, Smelter

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“That’s not the real Rupert Murdoch, though.”


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Richard Wesley, Hedge Fund Manager

Richard Wesley, Hedge Fund Manager

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“I’ll miss him. He’s the man who taught me all three facts I know.”


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Kristi White, Homemaker

Kristi White, Homemaker

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“Wow, this is just like that HBO show Girls.”


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Leanna Roberts, Real Estate Owner

Leanna Roberts, Real Estate Owner

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“I hate Muslims. What was the question?”


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Lance Olson, Retired

Lance Olson, Retired

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“I’ll miss watching Rupey’s Realm every night.”


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Harry Williams, Software Engineer

Harry Williams, Software Engineer

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“Say what you will about the guy, but he broke barriers. The full-frontal shot of him naked on Fox back in 1996 was the first time I’d ever seen a man in the nude.”


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Jeannie Hines, Budget Analyst

Jeannie Hines, Budget Analyst

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“Yeah, I saw the job opening on Indeed this morning.”


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Brian Turnbill, Dog Breeder

Brian Turnbill, Dog Breeder

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“I just hope that Fox News is able to maintain its journalistic integrity with someone else at the helm.”


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Jessica Cosineau, Nutritionist

Jessica Cosineau, Nutritionist

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“I wonder if he’s nice in real life.”


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Dale Gardener, Blogger

Dale Gardener, Blogger

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“The #MeToo movement got him too, huh? Wait, it didn’t? That’s honestly surprising.”


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Russel Dodge, Surgeon

Russel Dodge, Surgeon

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“Everyone deserves to sit back and enjoy the hellish chaos which they wrought.”


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Martha Wallingford, Ob-gyn

Martha Wallingford, Ob-gyn

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“I kiss Mr. Rupert face on the television. I kiss him face when it appear large on my flat-screen television. I hug the television with massive sad passion for Mr. Rupert. I hug television too tight and kiss him picture too hard and television falls, falls on top and crushes Martha!”


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Ursula Jenkins, Retiree

Ursula Jenkins, Retiree

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“Thanks to him, I don’t believe anything I read, see, hear, smell, or taste.”


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Lachlan Murdoch, Fox Corporation CEO

Lachlan Murdoch, Fox Corporation CEO

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“I will now carry on my father’s mission to usher in the Age of Darkness.”


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Alvin Dorn, Security Guard

Alvin Dorn, Security Guard

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“I hope I can still be that evil when I’m 92.”


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Spencer Friedman, Unemployed

Spencer Friedman, Unemployed

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“That makes sense. Journalism is a dying field.”


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Betty Wilson, Retired

Betty Wilson, Retired

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“As long as the young Aryan ones are still on my television screen, I don’t care.”


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Angelo Lopez, Immigrant

Angelo Lopez, Immigrant

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“With America’s bravest watchman finally stepping down from his post, the immigrants are safe to start raping and murdering for real now.”


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Joe Biden, U.S. President

Joe Biden, U.S. President

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“Frankly, I think someone should shoot him with a gun.”


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Elaine Borne, Activist

Elaine Borne, Activist

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“Every time I’m at a school board meeting screaming about gay teachers trying to teach children to read despite having no children of my own, I do it for Rupert Murdoch.”


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John Poulos, Dominion Voting Systems CEO

John Poulos, Dominion Voting Systems CEO

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“He cannot hide from me. I will haunt his shadow. I will kill him where he sleeps.”


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WhxtePxwer1488, Alt-Right Misinformation Bot

WhxtePxwer1488, Alt-Right Misinformation Bot

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“He did a lot of good work, but it’s time for us to take the reins.”


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Paul Schuyler, Engineer

Paul Schuyler, Engineer

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“He probably quit because Fox got too woke.”


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Larry Loggins, Logger

Larry Loggins, Logger

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“Hey, I’m Larry! Loggins’ my name, and loggin’s my game! Jews are not white!”


The Onion

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