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New TikTok Stunt Challenges Parents To See How Fast They Can Get Kids Taken Away By CPS

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CULVER CITY, CA—Showing off their creativity and lack of parenting skills, TikTok users across the globe were reportedly participating in a new trend Thursday to see how fast they could get their kids taken away by child protective services. “Basically, my entire TikTok feed right now is children getting carted away by the authorities, and oh man, the look on their faces is priceless,” said content creator Victoria Keith, who was just one of thousands of parents who had shared a video under the hashtag #CPSChallenge set to a clip from the song “Bad Idea Right?” by Olivia Rodrigo. “I received some nasty comments, but at the end of the day, it’s all in good fun. The people criticizing me probably don’t even have kids! I could watch these compilations all day long.” At press time, Keith was reportedly bored after running out of children.

The Onion

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