Jesus' Coming Back

Look At These Heartbreaking Photos Of 9 Needy Millennials You Can Sponsor Today

Brought to you by: Compassion International

All across the world, there are millennials sitting in their parents’ basement, hoping and praying that someone will come along to sponsor their lifestyle. Look at these heart-wrenching pictures of nine millennials that you could begin sponsoring TODAY:

  1. Judith

Judith suffers from Zero Tesla syndrome, where she lives life without owning a Tesla. Be the change for Judith.

2. Timmons

Timmons Bumgartner needs money to buy the Golden Elf Deity armor for his Avatar in Legend Quest mobile game and he already used his money for Pop-Tarts. We must not look away.

3. Spencer

Spencer bought a Range Rover and now is struggling to afford his daily $8 oat-milk caramel latte. Don’t close your heart to this child of God.

4. Ruthe

Ruthe can’t buy tickets to FurryCon ‘23 because she spent her savings on a furry dragon wolf costume with genuine faux lupine pelt. Please open your heart.

5. Dave

Dave has tiny chicken legs and desperately needs calf implants so he can keep skipping leg day. Help Dave.

6. Bartholomew

No one is buying Bartholomew’s Legend of Zelda fan fiction and now he’s struggling to import the proper food for the 17 iguanas he adopted. Will you be the one to help Bartholomew?

7. Nick

Nick has worn giant holes in his jeans and now spends all day sitting by the Subway holding a flower. Poor Nick!

8. Margot

Margot was kicked out of a commune for being too much of a hippie, and now is selling her hair as industrial strength rope. Can you step in the gap for Margot?

9. Gabe

Gabe only needs $1.2 million to pay off the college debt from his sociology/philosophy double major. The situation couldn’t be more dire for this precious child.

All of these millennials are waiting and hoping for a sponsor to choose them. Will it be you?

NOT SATIRE: When you sponsor a child with Compassion International, you help equip a child in extreme poverty with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed. A sponsored child receives opportunities and services that most of the world’s poorest children never see. Your help can provide clean water, medical checkups, healthy food, education assistance, and key life skills training.

The child you sponsor will be part of a local church-based program where Christian adults offer love, guidance, personal attention, guided recreation, and safety. And most importantly, sponsoring a child gives you and that child an opportunity to see the truth of the Gospel in action. For only $43 a month, you can begin sponsoring a child today and provide help to a child in need.

Sponsor a Child Today.

Kyle Mann was just minding his own business, when- BOOP! A wild Gender Fairy appeared!

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