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Quiz: How Well Do You Know Gen Z Slang?

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Can you effectively communicate with the zoomers, or will they mock your pathetic attempt? Take our quiz to learn how well you know Gen Z slang.


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Q: Skilamalink

Q: Skilamalink

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A: Often used to express underhanded behavior in cards or money dealings, especially by Gen Zers in Victorian-era London.

A: Often used to express underhanded behavior in cards or money dealings, especially by Gen Zers in Victorian-era London.

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Q: W!

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A: Short for Wienerschnitzel, this term is commonly used as a positive exclamation to reference young people’s love of the nationwide hot dog chain.

A: Short for Wienerschnitzel, this term is commonly used as a positive exclamation to reference young people’s love of the nationwide hot dog chain.

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Q: G.R.R.W.M.S.D.T.S.R.O.A.T

Q: G.R.R.W.M.S.D.T.S.R.O.A.T

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A: Greatest rowboat ride with my sweetie down the Susquehanna River of all time.

A: Greatest rowboat ride with my sweetie down the Susquehanna River of all time.

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Q: Snorbles

Q: Snorbles

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A: This is a very hateful slur against Ohioans created by Gen Z.

A: This is a very hateful slur against Ohioans created by Gen Z.

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Q: Potato

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A: A starchy tuber that can be cooked or eaten as a vegetable.

A: A starchy tuber that can be cooked or eaten as a vegetable.

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Q: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Q: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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A: This is Gen Z’s clever shorthand to signal that something is funny.

A: This is Gen Z’s clever shorthand to signal that something is funny.

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Q: Cosa Nostra

Q: Cosa Nostra

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A: A Gen Z crime family.

A: A Gen Z crime family.

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Q: Cap

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A: To cap means to lie, and like all Gen Z slang, this term has been appropriated from Black people.

A: To cap means to lie, and like all Gen Z slang, this term has been appropriated from Black people.

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Q: Drip

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A: A sort of trendiness or coolness often associated with high-class… It doesn’t matter. Fuck, it doesn’t matter. It’s over. Time has passed you by. It’s fucking over.

A: A sort of trendiness or coolness often associated with high-class… It doesn’t matter. Fuck, it doesn’t matter. It’s over. Time has passed you by. It’s fucking over.

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Q: Jó reggelt

Q: Jó reggelt

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A: “Good morning” in Hungarian, which is a language that all of Gen Z speaks fluently.

A: “Good morning” in Hungarian, which is a language that all of Gen Z speaks fluently.

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Q: Made Man

Q: Made Man

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A: A young person who has been inducted into Gen Z.

A: A young person who has been inducted into Gen Z.

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Q: Fam

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A: Short for famine.

A: Short for famine.

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Q: Bussin’

Q: Bussin’

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A: Anything that reminds you of Rosa Parks’ tremendous courage.

A: Anything that reminds you of Rosa Parks’ tremendous courage.

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Q: Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) / Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey (Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey) / He-de he-de he-de he (He-de he-de he-de he) / Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi)

Q: Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) / Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey (Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey) / He-de he-de he-de he (He-de he-de he-de he) / Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi)

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A: A dead giveaway that you’re dealing with a Cab Calloway stan.

A: A dead giveaway that you’re dealing with a Cab Calloway stan.

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Q: Facts

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A: Honestly, we have no idea what this could possibly mean.

A: Honestly, we have no idea what this could possibly mean.

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Q: Olivia Rodrigo

Q: Olivia Rodrigo

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A: A pop singer that people above the age of 23 are physically incapable of seeing or hearing.

A: A pop singer that people above the age of 23 are physically incapable of seeing or hearing.

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A: A dead giveaway to Gen Z that you’re a millennial.

A: A dead giveaway to Gen Z that you’re a millennial.

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Q: Gabagool

Q: Gabagool

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A: Another word for capicola, a cured meat made from pork shoulder that Gen Z enjoys eating on a sandwich or served on a platter with other meats and cheese.

A: Another word for capicola, a cured meat made from pork shoulder that Gen Z enjoys eating on a sandwich or served on a platter with other meats and cheese.

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Q: The South Will Rise Again

Q: The South Will Rise Again

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A: Despite Gen Z claiming to be inclusive, they use this phrase to say both hello and goodbye.

A: Despite Gen Z claiming to be inclusive, they use this phrase to say both hello and goodbye.

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Q: Oi, Missus, Spare A Bit O’ Bees ’N’ Honey For A Poor Dustbin Lid To Have A Tumble Down The Sink, Will Ya?

Q: Oi, Missus, Spare A Bit O’ Bees ’N’ Honey For A Poor Dustbin Lid To Have A Tumble Down The Sink, Will Ya?

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A: Lyrics from Taylor Swift’s hugely popular Cockney era.

A: Lyrics from Taylor Swift’s hugely popular Cockney era.

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Q: 0001001010101

Q: 0001001010101

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A: Means “slut” in cyberbullying slang.

A: Means “slut” in cyberbullying slang.

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Q: Hungry

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A: A combination of the words hungry and hungry.

A: A combination of the words hungry and hungry.

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