Jesus' Coming Back

Nation Demands To Know What’s Inside Big Silo

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SLINGER, WI—The nation demanded this week to know what was inside that big silo over there, pointing to the tube-shaped farm structure as they noted that it could be anything, really. “Gotta have something in it, right? Like, farm stuff or something?” all 335 million Americans said as they walked toward the silo for a better look, many of them rapping their knuckles on the metal siding in the hope of getting a hint at what was in there. “I’ll bet it’s, like, tractors or cows. Or maybe milk? I dunno. Whatever it is, there’s a lot of it in that thing.” At press time, reports confirmed the entire nation had been chased away from the silo by an angry farmer for trespassing on his property.

The Onion

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