Jesus' Coming Back

Nazi Hopes Elon Musk Antisemitism Apology As Disingenuous As It Seemed

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MURFREESBORO, TN—In an effort to put his mind to rest after seeing the billionaire entrepreneur say sorry for an antisemitic tweet, local nazi Phil Behrens told reporters Thursday that he hoped Elon Musk’s apology was as disingenuous as it seemed. “I’m holding out hope that Elon was as insincere as he appeared when he said his perfunctory sorry for agreeing that Jews are anti-white,” said Behrens, claiming that he was going to take the dismissive apology for promoting the anti-Jewish conspiracy theory at face value. “Given how much he’s done for the neo-Nazi community, it would destroy me if I found out that his half-hearted apology wasn’t a joke or done simply for PR. Regardless, I know Elon has hate in his heart for Jews, even if he doesn’t always show it.” Behrens added that he would hate to lose a bigot he looked up to by detonating the bomb he’d hid inside the X headquarters.

The Onion

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