Jesus' Coming Back

Horse Without Health Insurance Unable To Afford Being Shot In The Head

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LOUISVILLE, KY—Facing a financial dilemma after breaking his leg, a local horse who didn’t have health insurance was reportedly unable to afford being shot in the head, sources confirmed Tuesday. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the money for basic treatment for my injuries,” said Scout, explaining that he used to be on a PPO through his horse-racing job but had been without insurance since getting laid off. “America’s healthcare system is in a sad state when horses like me can’t get access to being shot right between the eyes. The gun they would use to shoot me costs $5,000 alone. I might have to live out the rest of my life in a hospice stable.” At press time, Scout had posted a GoFundMe to help him raise money to get a hole blasted through his skull.

The Onion

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