Jesus' Coming Back

Study Finds Corporate Profiteering ‘Significantly’ Drove Inflation In 2023

According to a new report from British think tanks IPPR and Common Wealth, the corporate greed of multinational corporations in the U.S. and U.K. “significantly” drove inflation in 2023, with companies such as ExxonMobil and Kraft Heinz greatly increasing prices beyond the rate of inflation in what is sometimes called “greedflation.” What do you think?

“So these corporations are just in it for the money?”

Charissa Freeman, Yak Wrangler

“I guess sometimes the invisible hand of the market comes back for seconds.”

Dorian Famika, Hospice Greeter


“I had a feeling $15,000 was too much for ketchup.”

Gene Kilmartin, Religious Strategist


The Onion

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