Jesus' Coming Back

8 Superior Alternatives To Public School For Your Kids

Brought to you by: The Goldwater Institute

Gone are the days when you could just ship your kids off to the public school system every day and trust them to come out still sane and reasonably educated. But what are the alternatives?

The Babylon Bee has compiled the following list of highly superior alternatives to public school:

  1. Let them join the circus: There are way fewer freaks at the circus.
  2. Get them a job at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory: They might be drowned in a chocolate river, incinerated, or turned into a giant blueberry, but they might survive all of Wonka’s deathtraps and inherit the whole place.
  3. Have them build forts in the backyard: It will prepare them for the fall of civilization.
  4. Gaza: Much safer.
  5. Coal mines: It will help them develop a strong work ethic, which is something you don’t get in public school!
  6. Make them a child actor on a Disney Channel show: If they’re going to be scarred for life, you might as well make some money off of it.
  7. Send them out into the woods with a hatchet: Unlike public school, this scenario allows them to protect themselves.
  8. Have them do anything else, literally anything: Just don’t send them to public school, for goodness’ sake!

With so many options to choose from, it’s plain to see that for kids who don’t go to public school, the possibilities are endless. And much, much safer, too.

NOT SATIRE: The Goldwater Institute is leading the School Choice movement in the United States!

Goldwater Institute’s work has helped pass School Choice and Education Freedom legislation in 22 states. Our work is DEFEATING socialist educators, the lies of Critical Race Theory, woke teacher unions, and big government indoctrination.

You can help the Goldwater Institute continue passing School Choice across the country by making a donation of $10, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or ANY amount today.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 from Babylon Bee readers before the end of the month! Your help empowers us to liberate children from woke educators and empower parents and students with a real education. Please click here to make an URGENT donation to the Goldwater Institute before you do anything else today.

As the country slowly increases in racism and right-wing bigotry, it’s important to ensure you don’t get caught up in their evil MAGA ways.

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