Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Campaign Unveils New ‘What Would Trump Do?’ Bracelets

U.S. — The Trump campaign has added a new line of inspirational merchandise items, including a “What Would Trump Do?” bracelet reminding supporters to seek President Trump’s direction in all of life’s situations.

“Asking yourself ‘What would Trump do?’ in every circumstance is the key to finding life, and finding it more abundantly,” said campaign advisor Steven Cheung. “The bracelet serves as a constant reminder to keep Trump first in your life, and the rest will simply fall into place.”

President Trump himself has reportedly begun wearing the bracelet at all times on the campaign trail. “Any time I have a decision to make, I ask myself what Trump would do — and then I do it,” explained Trump. “I’m the best at doing what Trump would do. No one is better at doing what Trump would do than me.”

The bracelet launch coincides with a new campaign commercial featuring Trump as the good shepherd, possibly even a very tremendous shepherd. The new merchandise line includes several other new Trump products, including a daily Trump devotional guide as well as figurines of Trump cradling America like a tiny lamb. According to campaign sources, other items in development include an “All I Need Is Coffee And Trump” mug and a worship album entitled What A Friend We Have In Trump.

As the country slowly increases in racism and right-wing bigotry, it’s important to ensure you don’t get caught up in their evil MAGA ways.

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