Jesus' Coming Back

Catholics Explain Why They Oppose Surrogacy

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Pope Francis recently called surrogacy “deplorable” and “a grave violation” that exploits the birth mother and the unborn child. The Onion asked Catholics why they opposed surrogacy, and this is what they said.


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Lee Greaves, IT Specialist

Lee Greaves, IT Specialist

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“I barely believe that sperm should exit the penis.”


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Mandy Sachs, Teacher

Mandy Sachs, Teacher

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“I just don’t like needles.”


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Harold O’Connell, Priest

Harold O’Connell, Priest

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“God only approves of children conceived in reverse cowgirl.”


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Emil Grant, Chiropractor

Emil Grant, Chiropractor

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“I didn’t become violently religious to have normal beliefs.”


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Sandra Tolentino, Retired

Sandra Tolentino, Retired

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“They place embryos in a freezer without little caps or scarves or anything to keep them warm.”


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Chris Ellis, Engineering Manager

Chris Ellis, Engineering Manager

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“I blindly follow whatever the pope says except when it’s about about abortion, women, Muslims, and gays.”


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Beth Allen, Unemployed

Beth Allen, Unemployed

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“Children were meant to be conceived in a Super 8 motel while staticky reruns of NCIS play on TV, not in some lab.”


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Zadkiel, Archangel

Zadkiel, Archangel

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[Shriek that causes human ears to bleed.]


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Hailey Jenkins, Graduate Student

Hailey Jenkins, Graduate Student

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“God wants women to be able to lay eggs and hatch them like birds.”


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Walter Whippo, Air Traffic Controller

Walter Whippo, Air Traffic Controller

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“I haven’t really thought about it, but if the Catholic Church is against it, then it’s probably to cover up for pedophilia, so I’m for it.”


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Jim Bagwell, Bus Driver

Jim Bagwell, Bus Driver

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“I want my kids to come out of the same vagina that I have spent years demolishing.”


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Jack Mancini, Pizza Maker

Jack Mancini, Pizza Maker

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“It was on a fax from the pope along with his lunch order.”


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Stuart Poole, Valet Attendant

Stuart Poole, Valet Attendant

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“The Bible says that men and women’s bellies are only for corn and licorice. It’s not a popular verse, but I follow it.”


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Ruby Salas, Server

Ruby Salas, Server

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“As the pope said, a child should never be the basis of a contract. But wait, marriage is a contract, and it’s wrong to have babies outside of that… It’s probably easier to renounce my faith than to figure this one out.”


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Randall Byrne, Bouncer

Randall Byrne, Bouncer

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“If you put embryos in a freezer, what’s stopping someone from reaching inside there and mistaking them for Eggo waffles?”


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Sharon Thune, Small Business Owner

Sharon Thune, Small Business Owner

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“Any science that helps women should be outlawed.”


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Janet Cobb, Customer Service Representative

Janet Cobb, Customer Service Representative

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“Because it’s a hard word to say when my mouth is full of gumballs, and I just love gumballs! I can’t get enough! I eat ’em by the handful, and I always swallow! Haven’t shit in nine years, but I can’t help it!”


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Amber McMahon, Vlogger

Amber McMahon, Vlogger

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“It makes rubbing my nine children in my infertile sister-in-law’s face even more fulfilling!”


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Ana Pereira, Homemaker

Ana Pereira, Homemaker

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“It costs over $100,000. Do you know how many little concrete statues of Mary that kind of money could buy?”


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Sarah Dawson, Pharmacist

Sarah Dawson, Pharmacist

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“Sorry, what did you say? I’m busy switching out these Plan B blister packs with Gas-X.”


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Frank Estes, Archaeological Researcher

Frank Estes, Archaeological Researcher

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“If God wanted men to ejaculate into cups, vaginas would be cups.”


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Kyle Dreschel, Jeweler

Kyle Dreschel, Jeweler

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“What if Mary had been used as a surrogate to birth the Son of God, huh? Wait…”


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Clark Sandoval, Package Handler

Clark Sandoval, Package Handler

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“Children are a gift from God that the Lord only gives to his favorites.”


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Tyler Kunz, Attorney

Tyler Kunz, Attorney

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“For the same amount of money, you can make people do stuff a lot more insane than just having your kid.”


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Ben Canton, Sous Chef

Ben Canton, Sous Chef

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“I love unnecessarily complicating people’s lives!”


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Alison Summers, Homemaker

Alison Summers, Homemaker

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“The third and fourth commandment are ‘Thou shalt not utilize another’s womb for procreation if you are unable to conceive’ and ‘Thou shalt not use IVF,’ respectively.”


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Greg Rosario, Fisherman

Greg Rosario, Fisherman

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“I love my kids so much that it makes me sad to think of people besides me becoming parents.”


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Lexi Randal, Logistics Analyst

Lexi Randal, Logistics Analyst

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“Beats addressing the rampant pedophilia.”


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Bert Hodges, Unemployed

Bert Hodges, Unemployed

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“Is that when someone else puts my hamburger into their belly? Yeah, I don’t like that.”


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Elle Chavez, Surrogate

Elle Chavez, Surrogate

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“Because my back is fucking killing me and I can’t stop craving canned peaches.”


The Onion

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