Jesus' Coming Back

Life Hack: Save Money On Home Improvements By Not Doing Them

U.S. — Homeowners everywhere are spreading the word about a revolutionary new life hack that allows them to save money on home improvements by not doing them.

After performing a detailed investigation and interviewing thousands of homeowners across the country, research has definitively shown that homeowners who chose not to perform extensive home improvement projects were, in fact, able to spend significantly less money than homeowners who did do them.

“This is a revolutionary idea,” said homeowner Dan Simmons. “Who would have ever thought that all that money I would spend remodeling our bathroom could be saved for other things if I just don’t remodel our bathroom? I applied this life hack to every home improvement project I had planned — kitchen, finishing the basement, refinishing the deck — and I’ve been able to save thousands of dollars. I’m actually taking a trip to Cancún next month instead.”

As part of the study, homeowners who had completed projects around the house were polled about their expenditures. An astonishing 100% of homeowners polled said choosing not to do their projects would have resulted in saving all of the money they had spent on the work. “There certainly seems to be a direct correlation,” said the man who discovered the life hack. “It turns out not spending money directly impacts the amount of money you’re able to save.”

At publishing time, homeowners who took advantage of the life hack also reported experiencing significantly less stress and having taken an average of 753 fewer trips to Home Depot.

Despite their best efforts, Planned Parenthood isn’t killing as many babies as their founder would have wanted. It’s time for a rebrand!

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