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New Apple Vision Pro App Features Friends, Family Telling Wearer They Look Really Cool And Normal In VR Headset

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CUPERTINO, CA—Providing a groundbreaking virtual experience that makes users feel like they aren’t stupid and lame, Apple revealed a new Vision Pro app Friday that features the wearer’s friends and family telling them they look really cool and normal in the VR headset. “Today we push the boundaries in immersive VR technology with an app that can create hyperrealistic 3D renderings of loved ones as they fawn over how sane the user looks with their Apple Vision Pro on,” said CEO Tim Cook, explaining how sensors in the headset would use multilayer scans to generate digital versions of the wearer’s closest friends, who would discuss how there was nothing weird or off-putting about speaking to someone wearing a bulky headset with an uncanny outward-facing display that reveals their eyes. “With this app, it will feel as if users are face-to-face with people in their lives who are telling them they look like such a well-adjusted and healthy person that they should go out in public wearing the Apple Vision Pro.” At press time, users complained of a glitch in which the Apple Vision Pro appeared to show their loved ones yelling at them for being gullible losers who wasted their money on a useless gadget.

The Onion

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