Jesus' Coming Back

Totally normal guy recommends you watch new anime, “My step-sister is a mail-order bride”

Discord, Ontario – Your totally normal co-worker has once again recommended an animated series you’ve never heard of, this time it’s one called, “My step-sister is a mail-order bride.”

“It’s a lot deeper than it sounds,” explained Tom Riddick, a local barista who is no longer allowed to speak with customers. “It starts off a bit slow, and yeah there’s a lot of that creepy, anime, perverted stuff but it has a really sweet emotional core, probably.”

Tom is known by you and your co-workers for his odd taste in media, insisting you should listen to a band called “Doki Doki Panty Stuffers,” watch an old animated film called “Strip Strip, Cry Cry,” and watch newer episodes of Saturday Night Live.

“No I’ve never heard of The Office,” claimed Tom after you asked him about shows everyone else on the planet watches. “Not a big Friends fan… never heard of Seinfeld… I think I heard of Breaking Bad, maybe watched an episode or two. But you know what’s really good? It’s a Japanese anime show called “Why Is My Mom A Naked Horse?” It’s really good, and yeah there’s a lot of that creepy, anime, perverted stuff but you gotta check it out!”

Some of Tom’s co-workers have tried to befriend Tom by offering some anime that more people have enjoyed including shows like Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z, however this only angered Tom further as he referred to these as “inferior, wannabe anime for normies.”

Tom has had some difficulty at work recently as customers have asked for coffee, which he sometimes denies knowing the existence of, offering to pour them “a japanese drink called kofe” or “sockey” which he insists is japanese for tea.


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