Jesus' Coming Back

U.S. Airdrops Rubble Into Gaza

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GAZA CITY, GAZA—Part of an ongoing mission to provide the struggling population of Gaza with necessary detritus, the United States announced Monday that it had airdropped rubble into the war-torn Palestinian territory. “Over the weekend, the U.S. Air Force dropped 38,000 tons of rubble directly into Gaza to supplement the existing supply of wreckage currently on the ground,” said President Joe Biden, who gave the order to have cargo planes drop the misshapen slabs of stone, broken concrete, and shards of glass. “Of course, we remain committed to sending our rubble convoys through the border crossing at Rafah and will continue to explore every avenue of delivering debris to what remains of the Gaza Strip.” At press time, Israel had announced a new set of restrictions on the rubble it would allow into Gaza, limiting shipments to mud and sand.

The Onion

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