Jesus' Coming Back

Insecure Prick Immediately Talked Into Upgrade

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TACOMA, WA—Saying “Sure, man, let’s do it” in response to the suggestion he select a model that cost $750 more, local insecure prick Brent Linsky was immediately talked into an upgrade Monday, according to sources at an area Best Buy. “I’m definitely planning on having a lot of friends over, so if you think the 65-inch is going to provide the better viewing experience, I’m all for it,” said the zero-confidence loser, remarking that he was glad the salesperson proposed going up a step from the 55-inch Samsung television, because he had been just about ready to ask if a larger screen would better fit his needs. “And I already have surround sound, but now that you mention it, it does probably make sense to bite the bullet and switch to an 11-channel system so I can get the most out of my TV. It’s one of those things I’ll be glad I did every night when I’m kicking back and watching whatever’s on Hulu, you know? I think I’ll want to go with the installment plan, but yeah, as long as it can be paid out over 36 months, that’s great. Or actually, is it possible to lease it?” At press time, the feeble, spineless little fuck had reportedly even been talked into paying an extra $600 for a five-year protection plan.

The Onion

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