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Most Googled Questions About Abortion

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Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, access to safe, legal, and effective reproductive care has become more confusing than ever in the United States. The following are the most frequently googled questions about abortion in America.


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How many abortions can I have?

How many abortions can I have?

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Doctors recommend having a routine abortion at least once a year.

Doctors recommend having a routine abortion at least once a year.

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Is there a rape exception for abortion?

Is there a rape exception for abortion?

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In some states, yes; in others, your trauma’s just getting started.

In some states, yes; in others, your trauma’s just getting started.

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How is the food in the Planned Parenthood vending machine?

How is the food in the Planned Parenthood vending machine?

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The Doritos are probably expired, but it won’t kill you.

The Doritos are probably expired, but it won’t kill you.

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What is the safest way to get an abortion?

What is the safest way to get an abortion?

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As a Scandinavian citizen.

As a Scandinavian citizen.

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Is abortion a sin?

Is abortion a sin?

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Any medical procedure involving a vagina is a sin.

Any medical procedure involving a vagina is a sin.

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Was I aborted?

Was I aborted?

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Typically, a DNA test is required to reveal that information.

Typically, a DNA test is required to reveal that information.

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What is the recovery time?

What is the recovery time?

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However long it takes you to return to work from your lunch break.

However long it takes you to return to work from your lunch break.

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What is the abortion rate by ethnicity?

What is the abortion rate by ethnicity?

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All right, Elon Musk, enough.

All right, Elon Musk, enough.

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Can I get an abortion if I live in Texas?

Can I get an abortion if I live in Texas?

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The answer depends entirely on which tax bracket you’re in.

The answer depends entirely on which tax bracket you’re in.

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What is the best underground abortion clinic in Texas for a teenage friend?

What is the best underground abortion clinic in Texas for a teenage friend?

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Genius! No one will find out you are asking for yourself!

Genius! No one will find out you are asking for yourself!

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Should I get an abortion?

Should I get an abortion?

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That’s for your state’s lawmakers to decide.

That’s for your state’s lawmakers to decide.

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Is abortion cool?

Is abortion cool?

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Yeah, it’s the best.

Yeah, it’s the best.

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Can they give me a bikini wax while they’re down there?

Can they give me a bikini wax while they’re down there?

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Providers are actually required to do this.

Providers are actually required to do this.

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Where can I find reproductive care near Mississippi?

Where can I find reproductive care near Mississippi?

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Layover or direct?

Layover or direct?

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Abortion bad for fetus?

Abortion bad for fetus?

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Uh, yes. It’s not great for it.

Uh, yes. It’s not great for it.

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Does an abortion hurt?

Does an abortion hurt?

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It tickles!

It tickles!

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Where can I get an abortion?

Where can I get an abortion?

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[Answer blocked by Google SafeSearch.]

[Answer blocked by Google SafeSearch.]

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