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Everything We Learned From Oprah’s Weight Loss Special

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Oprah Winfrey’s new special Shame, Blame And The Weight Loss Revolution explores the effects GLP-1 drugs such as Ozempic might have on the obesity epidemic and recounts the talk show host’s own weight loss journey. Here’s a rundown of everything we learned from the special.


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Oprah Put The Weight Watchers CEO’s Head On A Pike

Oprah Put The Weight Watchers CEO’s Head On A Pike

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Hundreds of audience members audibly gasped when a screaming Winfrey held up the bloodied, decapitated head of the Weight Watchers CEO and put it on a sharp metal pike on stage.


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Oprah Drove A Bulldozer Over A Plus-Size Mannequin

Oprah Drove A Bulldozer Over A Plus-Size Mannequin

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In a symbolic gesture, Oprah revved the engine of a 30,000-pound bulldozer and crushed the hollow plastic body of a size-16 mannequin.


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Oprah Announced The Wegovy Box Had Been Added To Her Book Club

Oprah Announced The Wegovy Box Had Been Added To Her Book Club

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She called the four-pack of injectable pens one of the best pieces of literature published in the past century and encouraged women everywhere to give it a read.


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She Pretended To Take A Nap Every Time She Had To Mention Side Effects

She Pretended To Take A Nap Every Time She Had To Mention Side Effects

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Winfrey quickly lay down on a couch and began to audibly snore every time she was prompted to discuss the weight loss drugs’ side effects.


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Oprah Has Been Releasing Semaglutide Into The Nation’s Water Supply

Oprah Has Been Releasing Semaglutide Into The Nation’s Water Supply

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A cackling Winfrey announced that soon, everyone in America would be skinny, as she’d released several hundred tons of weight loss hormones into the nation’s drinking water.


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There Was A Point Where Everyone Threw Rotten Fruit At A Fat Person

There Was A Point Where Everyone Threw Rotten Fruit At A Fat Person

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Winfrey and audience members pointed and laughed for almost half an hour while throwing rotten fruit at a sobbing overweight woman.


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Oprah Revealed That She Was Aiming To Be Weightless

Oprah Revealed That She Was Aiming To Be Weightless

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Winfrey admitted that at the end of her journey, she hoped to be nothing but a weightless spirit floating through the ether with no bodily form to tether her to the physical realm.


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There Are No Down Sides To Ozempic

There Are No Down Sides To Ozempic

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Even the exorbitant cost is a blessing.


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Oprah’s Fixation On Weight Is Totally Healthy

Oprah’s Fixation On Weight Is Totally Healthy

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It will only become a problem if it continues into her 100s.


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Oprah And Stedman Can Both Fit Into One Pair Of Pants

Oprah And Stedman Can Both Fit Into One Pair Of Pants

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Imagine the money they’ll save now that they only need one pant-leg a piece.


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Oprah Still Can’t Fit Through A Doggy Door

Oprah Still Can’t Fit Through A Doggy Door

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They really should have edited out the 37 minutes where she was stuck halfway.


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Oprah Looks Amazing In Powder Blue

Oprah Looks Amazing In Powder Blue

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We honestly couldn’t focus on anything else.


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It’s Available To Stream On Hulu, But So Is ‘The Masked Singer’

It’s Available To Stream On Hulu, But So Is ‘The Masked Singer’

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We have got to find out who was wearing that spaghetti and meatballs costume.


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Oprah Lost Weight Using Shapeshifting Powers

Oprah Lost Weight Using Shapeshifting Powers

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Oprah revealed that with the help of medication, she is now able to shrink down to the size of a thumbtack or inflate to the size of a school bus at will and in mere seconds using only her mind.


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Most Weight Loss Drugs Are In Short Supply

Most Weight Loss Drugs Are In Short Supply

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It doesn’t help that Oprah gave a free case of Mounjaro to everyone in the audience.


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Oprah Revealed The Reason She Left The Weight Watchers Board

Oprah Revealed The Reason She Left The Weight Watchers Board

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She tried one of those Weight Watchers–branded brownies, and it tasted like shit.


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She Believes Obesity Is A Disease That Was Created In A Wuhan Lab

She Believes Obesity Is A Disease That Was Created In A Wuhan Lab

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The so-called lab leak theory of obesity has been widely discredited, however, as evidence suggests obesity began in a Wuhan wet market.


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She Was Frank About How Easy It Was To Abandon The Body Positivity Movement

She Was Frank About How Easy It Was To Abandon The Body Positivity Movement

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Winfrey was extremely candid about how easy, painless, and even satisfying it was to abandon the acceptance movement she’d pioneered for much of her career.


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Oprah Has Been Trying To Lose Weight Since She Was An Embryo

Oprah Has Been Trying To Lose Weight Since She Was An Embryo

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In an emotional appeal, the talk show host revealed she’d been struggling with obesity ever since she was just a clump of cells in her mother’s womb.


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Many People With Obesity Feel Shame Because Oprah Ridicules Them Constantly

Many People With Obesity Feel Shame Because Oprah Ridicules Them Constantly

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Despite having her own struggles with weight, Winfrey repeatedly yells “Wide load coming through!” at anyone who wears above a size 14.


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Anti-Obesity Drugs Have Side Effects

Anti-Obesity Drugs Have Side Effects

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Notably, all the fat you lose in your body travels up to your head, causing it to keep engorging until your giant head bursts and sprays human fat everywhere.


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Weight Watchers Doesn’t Pay Enough

Weight Watchers Doesn’t Pay Enough

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It takes a lot more money to keep Oprah on a boring points system now that there’s a shiny new miracle drug on the scene.


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