Jesus' Coming Back

7 Super Helpful Things Parents Yell At Kids’ Baseball Games

A veritable litany of sage advice pours forth from the stands at every Little League baseball game, but some nuggets of wisdom rise above the rest. Here are seven of the most helpful things parents scream during their kids’ baseball games:

  1. “Watch the ball!”: A remarkable insight gleaned from decades of experience.
  2. “Throw strikes!”: Well said, Dad.
  3. “Stop playing with your cup!”: Wise counsel, though difficult to achieve.
  4. “We need a hit!”: Parental knowledge on full display.
  5. “Be ready out there!”: Simple, yet timeless wisdom.
  6. “Watch your launch angle and try to keep your exit velos up while pulling the inside pitch in the hot portion of your spray chart!”: Obviously.
  7. “Hit a touchdown!”: Thanks, Mom.

Do you have a favorite piece of advice you love yelling at the Little League fields? Let us know!

Babylon Bee subscriber GenX Ambassador contributed to this report.
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