Teacher Forced To Pay For Students’ Plan B Out Of Pocket

FINDLAY, OH—Expressing frustration with the pressures of working in an underfunded public high school, local teacher Jason Corgenne told reporters Monday that he was forced to pay out of pocket just so his students could have access to the emergency contraception drug Plan B. “If we don’t have morning-after pills in the classroom, then it’s impossible for me to fulfill the obligation I have to my students,” said the 39-year-old educator, adding that while he lives on a tight budget, supporting his family of four on a salary of only $40,000, he nonetheless scrapes together enough to cover the cost of condoms, lube, and other critical supplies that school administrators don’t provide him with. “I’m their teacher, and I want to do the responsible thing here. It’s just frustrating, because I know there are plenty of wealthier school districts where students have no trouble accessing Plan B when their 10th-grade social studies teacher doesn’t pull out in time.” At press time, Corgenne was reportedly organizing a bake sale to help cover the cost of both emergency contraception and his bail.
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