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Sex Ed Teacher Demonstrates How To Look Interested As Guy Explains Ultimate Frisbee Should Be Olympic Sport

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ROCHESTER, MN—Aiming to equip her straight female students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop healthy sexual relationships, local sex ed teacher Gina Reynaldo spent Thursday’s class demonstrating how to look interested as a guy explains in excruciating detail why Ultimate Frisbee should be an Olympic sport. “When you meet a guy and are alone with him for the first time, he may tell you that Ultimate has all the elements of a great sport, noting that it requires athleticism, skill, and strategy,” Reynaldo said to the class of girls, allowing the snickers and responses of “Ew!” and “Gross!” to subside before she discussed strategies for feigning curiosity when a potential sexual partner wished to discuss the topic. “Instead of following your natural impulse to roll your eyes, you should instead make eye contact, even raising your brow and nodding to suggest you feel a connection with what he is saying. He may also require verbal reassurance, in which case it’s important to remember the three letters T-M-M, for ‘Tell me more.’ He may then go on about how Ultimate Frisbee embodies the highest degree of sportsmanship and would have broad appeal to a global television audience. This is all an ordinary part of human sexuality.” The instructor added that it was important to walk away immediately, however, if the guy began arguing that the Olympics should also include foosball and darts.

The Onion

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