Jesus' Coming Back

10 Most Terrifying Examples Of LGBTQ People Being Oppressed In America Today

As we weather yet another Pride month, it can be helpful to remember what Pride means and the hardships experienced by members of the LGBTQ community in this country — even now.

The Babylon Bee has put together the following list of sobering examples of how LGBTQ people are oppressed in the United States to this very day:

  1. There are only 37 parades in their honor per day: Any number of daily parades less than 40 is equal to a slap in the face.
  2. They are only represented by 7 characters in every TV show: There will be no equality as long as movies and television shows only depict 10 times the representation of reality.
  3. They are still required to be fully clothed when teaching their elementary school classes: Such bigotry.
  4. The Capitol hearing room is now off-limits for making sex tapes: Way to ruin it for everyone, creepy congressional staffer guy.
  5. They can only get married in Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Anglican, Unitarian, Baptist, and Quaker churches: Horrible.
  6. They live in daily fear of fake hate crimes: Fake assaults happen on every street corner of every city.
  7. They have only managed to get 75% of Christians fired for their beliefs: As long as any Christians remain employed and unostracized from society, there will be no justice.
  8. That one specific baker in Colorado won’t bake a wedding cake for them: It doesn’t matter that there are hundreds of bakers who will. This guy won’t.
  9. When they twerk naked in front of children, people say horrible things like “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” and “Woah, knock it off!”: The blind hatred of these comments is horrifying.
  10. No gay person has been elected president since Barack Obama: Make the White House gay again!

Yes, LGBTQ people clearly still have an incredibly tough time here in America, as opposed to much more open-minded and accepting parts of the world, like brave Palestine.

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