In Major Gaffe, Husband Forgets To Flex When Wife Touches Arm

FLINT, MI — Reports from within the Clark household say that local new husband and absolute rookie Peter Clark pulled a huge gaffe yesterday by forgetting to flex his huge, rippling biceps when his wife Ellenor touched his arm.
According to sources familiar with the situation, the couple were sitting on the couch watching the six-hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice – again – when Ellenor brushed her husband’s upper arm. Allegedly, Peter behaved like “a total rookie husband” by neglecting to immediately flex his incredibly impressive guns to show off the full extent of his manly muscles to his wife.
“Aw, I can’t believe I missed such a golden opportunity!” Peter said after the incident, as he rested after a warmup set of benching 315 for 5 reps. “I had just one job after she touched my arm, and I completely blew it! Oh well – next time will be glorious.”
Ellenor Clark was unavailable for comment, as she was having a difficult time restraining laughter at the sounds of classic rock and grunts of “Get huge…stay huge!” coming from her husband’s workout area.
At publishing time, Peter Clark was seen walking around the house looking super buff, totally swoll, and completely jacked. He has categorically denied that he could be “showing off” and instead claims that wearing a tank top is “cheaper than turning on the AC.”
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