10 Street Signs And Why They Are Homophobic

News made the rounds over the weekend that LGBTQ activists celebrated the removal of “No U-Turn” signs in Los Angeles, leaving many people wondering how long it would be before other homophobic street signs are taken down. “Which street signs are homophobic?” you may ask. Many of them are obvious.
The Babylon Bee has put together the following list of aggressively homophobic street signs to provide a helpful guide to combat hate:
One Way: No! There are many, many ways, you bigot.
Do Not Enter: Only a hateful heteronormative road sign would attempt to dictate where things can or cannot enter.
Do Not Block The Intersection: Is this some hidden message trying to prohibit protesters from blocking traffic? Nice try, fascists!
Yield: Yield? To what? To traditional societal views on human sexuality? Never!
Exit Only: Everyone knows that one person’s exit is another person’s entrance. Our exits, our choice!
Deaf Children Near: This sign has nothing to do with promoting the LGBTQ agenda… tear it down!
Men At Work: So now you think you have the authority to define what a “man” is? You’re not even trying to hide your hate.
Right Turn Only: Why only to the Right? This is literal election interference.
No Passing: Attacking the right of men to pass as women is actual genocide.
Don’t worry, the day is coming soon when all roads will be freed from the oppressive hatred spread by the signs listed above, leaving all American streets to be as gay as they want to be!
Check out Hasbro’s latest update to the classic board game “Guess Who?” – now with more genders, inclusion, and fun!*
*Fun not guaranteed
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