Jesus' Coming Back

Locals Fire Water Pistols At Visitors During Barcelona’s Anti-Tourist Protests

Thousands of protesters in Barcelona attended a demonstration led by the Assemblea de Barris pel Decreixement Turístic (Neighborhood Assembly for Tourism Degrowth) to express their opposition to the number of visitors the city receives, with attendees spraying any tourists they saw with water guns. What do you think?

“Let me just throw up in a historic fountain, and I’ll be on my way.”

Nicolas Petersen, Professional Walker

“There has to be a way to protest without resorting to mild, kind-of-refreshing violence.”

Vera Hayden, Grated Parmesan Distributor


“If they hate Americans so much, why are they using guns to solve their problems?”

Seth Tran, Ceiling Tiler

The Onion

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