Jesus' Coming Back

Woman Grimly Accepts Lifetime Responsibility Of Liking Every One Of Sister-In-Law’s Social Media Posts

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WICHITA, KS—Calling the task “a heavy burden, but one I must shoulder nonetheless,” local woman Raven Wilson told reporters Wednesday that she had grimly accepted the lifelong responsibility of liking every one of her sister-in-law Jessica Denbow’s social media posts. “Her job is to post, mine is to like it,” said Wilson, who scrolled through Instagram and sighed as she double-tapped an unflattering selfie of Denbow wearing heart-shaped sunglasses, an image that was accompanied by a three-paragraph-long caption alluding to unpleasant drama within the woman’s Bible study group. “Until the day I die, I will be one of six likes Jessica gets on every post. This is my life now. My purpose. This is what I signed up for the day Greg got down on one knee and proposed.” At press time, Wilson had commented, “Wow, I’m obsessed,” on one of her sister-in-law’s posts.

The Onion

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