Jesus' Coming Back

Project 2025 By The Numbers

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The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 has been widely criticized as “extremist” and “authoritarian.” The Onion takes a look at the statistics behind the conservative plan for a second Donald Trump administration.

  • 30: Minutes after conception before abortion considered late-term
  • 7: Footnotes devoted to the ideal skull shape of an American child
  • 77,000: Federal employees who will be replaced by anyone with a receipt proving they purchased an official Trump Store beach towel
  • 815: Appearances of the word “hellfire” in the document
  • 9: Dilbert strips included for levity
  • 5: Diagrams of Obama falling down a flight of stairs into an alligator pit
  • 24: Number of times Trump has heard about Project 2025 for the first time
  • $250: Starting price for a fertile wife
  • 4: Number of font changes it took to get sinister nature just right
  • 60,000,000: Aborted fetuses that will be brought back to life through necromancy
  • 3: Stylish haircuts recommended for the modern Aryan male
  • 922: Pages the author was willing to write just to try to convince people he doesn’t watch porn


The Onion

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